Vol. 49 (2022), pp. 45–55 • 1.10 MB • español
New Evidence of Craft Specialization in the Chiefdoms of Río Grande, Panama (AD 780–1000)

Carlos Mayo Torné

Arqueol. Iberoam.

This paper presents new evidence of craft specialization in pre-Hispanic Coclé through a set of plates found at Sitio Conte (PN-5) in the first half of the 20th century. The variability analyses show a similar uniformity between the plates from Sitio Conte and the coetaneous pottery from the neighboring site of El Caño (NA-20), which was interpreted as an indirect evidence of craft specialization in the area. The results of the statistical analyses of both ceramic assemblages show a homogeneity in the mean dimensions of the vessels, which could support the hypothesis that the same artisans participated in their manufacture.

Craft specialization; Panama; archaeology; Coclé; Sitio Conte; El Caño.

Cite as
Izquierdo-Egea, P. 2022.
Nuevas evidencias de especialización artesanal en las jefaturas de Río Grande, Panamá (780-1000 AD). Arqueología Iberoamericana 49: 45-55.

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Archived in the Internet Archive.

Publication date: February 25, 2022.

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© 2022 ARQUEOLOGIA IBEROAMERICANA. ISSN 1989-4104. License CC BY 3.0 ES.
Edited & Published by Pascual Izquierdo-Egea. Graus & Pina de Ebro, Spain.
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