Rock Paintings from the Expulsar I Archaeological Site, Quiterianópolis, Ceará, Brazil
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Lucineide Marquis, Luis Carlos Duarte Cavalcante, Sônia Maria Campelo Magalhães,
Heralda Kelis Sousa Bezerra da Silva, Bruna Gomes Brito • português
Abstract. The Expulsar I archaeological site is a sandstone shelter located in the rural area in Quiterianópolis, state of Ceará, Brazil. The rock-shelter contains 140 miniaturized rock paintings, representing anthropomorphs (the vast majority with spear-throwers and spears or phytomorphs), bird footprints, birds, cervids, phytomorphs, human footprint and abstract graphisms. The inscriptions are painted predominantly in different tonalities of red, but also in yellow. The paintings are delicate and graceful, typically of the Nordeste Tradition, mostly composing scenes and showing movement and dynamism. The shelter is in an advanced state of natural degradation, with sandstone decomposing. The survey of the main conservation problems are also discussed in detail.
Keywords: Rock painting, Nordeste Tradition, Expulsar I, Archaeological heritage.
Marquis, L., L. C. Duarte Cavalcante, S. M. Campelo Magalhães, H. K. Sousa Bezerra da Silva, B. Gomes Brito. 2016. Pinturas rupestres do sítio arqueológico Expulsar I, Quiterianópolis, Ceará, Brasil.
Arqueología Iberoamericana 32: 11-16. URL:
Publication date: November 14, 2016.

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© 2016 ARQUEOLOGIA IBEROAMERICANA. ISSN 1989-4104. License CC BY 3.0 ES.
Edited & Published by Pascual Izquierdo-Egea in Graus, ES.
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