ARQUEOLOGIA IBEROAMERICANA (Arqueol. Iberoam.) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open access international scientific journal devoted to the archaeological and archaeometric study of the prehistoric, protohistoric, ancient, and historical societies from Latin America, Iberia, and the rest of the world; whose primary objective is to serve the research community with the highest quality and speed and non-profit one.
We are particularly interested in research on archaeometry and theoretical archaeology.
It is published online, in continuous publication, two times a year in PDF electronic format and contains research and theoretical articles on archaeology and archaeometry (research article, research report, research note, method article, review article).
Spanish and English are the primary languages. Other languages, especially Portuguese, are welcome.
The Editor sends all the received papers to the ADVISORY BOARD in order to decide their publication, maintaining absolute confidentiality of the proceedings of its members. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Editor.
The ADVISORY BOARD is an independent advisory entity responsible for ensuring the scientific excellence of the journal. Composed of prestigious academic authorities, it examines the adequacy of the manuscripts submitted for publication with a DOUBLE-BLIND peer REVIEW POLITY by two external evaluators for each case, ruling justly on their acceptance, revision or rejection on the basis of the scientific quality of them.
Accordingly, the ADVISORY BOARD is sovereign in deciding on the publication of any paper submitted and the Editor can do nothing about it, limiting only to communicate their decisions to authors.
This publication allows authors to archive, personally or institutionally, all versions (accepted manuscript, preprint, published article) of their papers. See DULCINEA, Sherpa Romeo.
The EDITORIAL BOARD of the journal will be intolerable and inflexible with malpractices such as PLAGIARISM, the REPRODUCTION OF ARTICLES PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED in other media or FRAUDULENT RESEARCH. To resolve these situations, it will follow the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
This digital publication is permanently preserved in the Internet Archive.
This digital publication uses these persistent article identifiers: ARK, PURL, DOI.
Founded in early 2009 by Pascual Izquierdo-Egea, ARQUEOLOGIA IBEROAMERICANA has published 54 volumes and 4 supplements, including 339 research articles, advances or reports, and notes.
The journal has achieved the SPARC Europe Seal for Open Access Journals (21-1-2011) for its high quality, being the first archaeology journal included in the DOAJ to receive it despite its youth.
ARQUEOLOGIA IBEROAMERICANA has achieved the DOAJ Seal (7-5-2021) for its high editorial quality, being the first archaeology journal in Spanish to receive it.
The journal has again been indexed in Sherpa Romeo (24-10-2022).
For further information, please consult the Spanish version of this page.
Indexed in
© 2009-2024 ARQUEOLOGIA IBEROAMERICANA (Arqueol. Iberoam.). ISSN 1989-4104. Open Access Journal.
Edited & Published by Pascual Izquierdo-Egea (P. I. Egea). Printed in Spain. Continuous Publication. Creative Commons License (CC BY 4.0). W3C HTML 4.01 compatible. |